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Garage Door Tune-Ups in Kokomo, IN

Is your garage door in good shape? If your garage door suddenly stops working, it’s natural to think you may need a new one—but this isn’t always the case! Sometimes a simple tune-up or repair is enough to fix the problem.

If you need a garage door inspection and tune-up for your home in the Kokomo, Indiana area, Overhead Door Co. of Indianapolis & Muncie can help. Get in touch with our professionals today (317-489-0825 for our Indianapolis location and 765-215-2932 for our Muncie location), or keep reading to learn a little more!

Do You Need Garage Door Service?

First things first—do you need professional garage door service? If anything at all is wrong with your garage door, having a door specialist come out for an inspection is a good idea. In fact, we don’t recommend homeowners handle any repairs or inspections themselves.

Signs you need a garage door inspection (and probably a repair, at the very least) include:

  • Door that doesn’t open or only opens halfway
  • Door that doesn’t close or only closes halfway
  • Noisy door operation (which could indicate broken hinges, loose hardware, worn down opener gears or another problem)
  • Door that doesn’t operate even when the motor is running
  • Broken glass (for doors with windows)
  • Door that can be opened manually without the opener remote or security keypad
  • Panels that are warped or cracked (seen sometimes in wood garage doors)

Regardless of the source of the problem (broken rollers, faulty springs, bad motor, etc.), all garage door repairs have one thing in common: urgency. A garage door that doesn’t work properly leaves your home or commercial building at risk—timely garage door repair is essential.

So don’t wait if you think you need a tune-up, repair or even a replacement—call Overhead Door Co. of Indianapolis & Muncie! We offer emergency 24-hour garage door service so we can be there quickly to help you resolve whatever problem you’re experiencing.

Garage Door Inspection & Tune-Up Service in Kokomo

Sometimes all a garage door needs is a tune-up to work like new again! Problems like springs that aren’t lubricated enough, hinges that are worn down, etc. often require just a quick inspection and tune-up. One of our professionals can help with this. Our 18-point inspection service is thorough and effective—we:

  • Inspect springs, cables and hardware
  • Inspect the opener
  • Make necessary adjustments
  • Lubricate all appropriate parts
  • Recommend necessary next steps if applicable

Contact Overhead Door Co. of Indianapolis & Muncie today if you need professional garage door service for your home in Kokomo.

We have tune-up coupons for both our Indianapolis and Muncie location—so don’t forget to check out our specials page!

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Residential Garage Doors

We sell, install and service a complete line of steel, wood and aluminum garage doors.

Garage Door Maintenance

We can help with all of your garage door inspection and tune-up needs for your home.

Garage Door Repair

Do you need garage door repair? Our friendly technicians can help!

Garage Door Replacement

We offer the highest quality residential garage door replacement service.

Replacement Windows

We offer high-quality vinyl windows to enhance the look and energy efficiency of your home.

Exterior Doors

We install front, storm, security and patio doors from leading manufacturers.

New Home Insulation

We specialize in fiberglass and spray foam insulation for homes in the central Indiana area.

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