Nothing is more frustrating than seeing energy bills that keep increasing. If your monthly bills have been steadily rising, your home isn’t as energy-efficient as it could be. This could mean you need to re-insulate. Do your walls have enough insulation? If they don’t, start here!
Whether you need wall insulation for the new home you’re building, or you need to re-insulate your home, you’ve come to the right place. For nearly 90 years, Overhead Door Co. of Indianapolis & Muncie has been installing insulation in homes and commercial businesses in the Anderson, Indiana area.
Wall Insulation for Your Anderson Home
In addition to increasing energy bills, there are a few signs that indicate you may need to insulate your walls, including:
- Drafts or uneven temperatures from room to room
- Outside noises, and noises from different levels or rooms, that are seemingly louder than usual
- In the winter, walls that are excessively cold
- In the summer, AC that is running more than normal
Already determined you need more insulation? There are a couple things to keep in mind. Both the exterior and interior should be insulated if you want to truly maximize your home’s energy efficiency and comfort. And any air leaks in your home should be sealed. The walls of your home are huge sources of energy loss, and air leaks can actually undermine insulation’s performance. Professionals can take care of this for you, but the information is still good to know!
Fiberglass and spray foam are often installed in walls. Fiberglass insulation is superior at sound control and heat transfer. Spray foam insulation can fill small cracks, gaps, and crevices in your home’s envelope, and can help eliminate air leaks.
No matter which type of insulation you use for the walls of your home in the Anderson area, you can expect to save a lot of money. In addition to energy savings, wall insulation can help:
- Make your home more comfortable year round
- Reduce outside noises, as well as noises between different rooms and levels inside
- Help improve the overall efficiency of your HVAC systems
- Contribute to a healthier environment (decreased energy consumption leads to fewer greenhouse gas emissions)
As for how much wall insulation you should install, you’ll need to talk to the experts at Overhead Door Co. of Indianapolis & Muncie.
Wall Insulation Installers Serving Anderson, Indiana
If you need to re-insulate the walls of your Anderson area home, we have the experience and expertise to complete the job on time and in a safe manner. Have more questions about insulating walls and what it entails? Our wall insulators are happy to help.
Let us help you start saving money—we’re just a call or click away!